Research Article

Reevaluation of the Systematic Status of Branchinotogluma (Annelida, Polynoidae), with the Establishment of Two New Species

Figure 8

Branchinotogluma nanhaiensis sp. nov., paratypes ((a–e, h, and i) MBM286797; (g) MBM286800) and holotype ((f) MBM286795). (a) Head and anterior segments in dorsal view; (b) segments 4–9 in dorsal view; (c) female posterior segments in ventral view; (d) male posterior segments in ventral view; (e) fully extended pharynx in ventral view; (f) incompletely extended pharynx in dorsal view; (g) branchiae from right parapodium on segment 9; (h, i) elytra of anterior and median segments. anl: anterior lobe; br: branchiae; frf: frontal filament; lp: lateral process; pa: palp; S5: segment 5; st: style of median antenna; tec: tentacular cirri; vl: ventral lamellae; vp: ventral papilla. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (a–d, and f), 200 μm (e, g), and 1 mm (h, i).