Research Article

Reevaluation of the Systematic Status of Branchinotogluma (Annelida, Polynoidae), with the Establishment of Two New Species

Figure 9

Parapodia and chaetae of Branchinotogluma nanhaiensis sp. nov., paratypes (a–f, and o–r) MBM286797, male; (g, h) MBM286797, female; (i–n) MBM286800, female, right parapodium on segment 9). (a, g, and h) Three right parapodia in anterior (upper/right positions) and posterior (lower/left positions) view, and dorsal and ventral cirrus are detached in (g, h); (b–f) five left parapodia in anterior (lower/left positions) and posterior (upper/right positions) view, dorsal cirrus are detached in (b, f); (i) notochaetae; (j) upper notochaetae, showing details of distal regions; (k) neurochaetae; (l) supra-acicular neurochaetae in upper position; (m) subacicular neurochaetae in lower position; (n) the same, showing details of distal spinous regions; (o) neurochaetae in median position from (e); (p) neurochaetae in lower position from (e); (q) neurochaetae from (f); (r) notopodial acicula from (f). br: branchiae; dc: dorsal cirrus; ep: elytrophore; pl: projecting lobe; S2: segment 2; vc: ventral cirrus. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (a, b), 1 mm (c, d), 200 μm (e–i, k, and l), 50 μm (j, m, r), 20 μm (o, p), and 10 μm (n, q).