Research Article

Evolutionary History and Taxonomic Reclassification of the Critically Endangered Daggernose Shark, a Species Endemic to the Western Atlantic

Figure 2

Consensus trees showing the phylogenetic relationships of the species of the family Carcharhinidae, generated by the ML, NJ, MP, and BI methods, for (a) the mtDNA dataset (COI, ND2, and 12S-16S), based on the GTR+G(0.5093)+I(0.4665) nucleotide substitution model, and (b) RAG1 (based on the TN93+G(0.0963) model). The symbols represent three different levels of support: = , posterior ; ▲ = , posterior ; ■ = posterior . The branches without symbols have support values of less than 70% (bootstrap) or 0.70 (posterior probability).