
Blister development in bullous pemphigoid (BP) results from destruction of hemidesmosomes and basement membrane components within the dermoepidermal junction by autoantibodies. Adhesion molecules can take part in pathogenesis of this disease. The aim of the study was to determine the localization and expression of L- and E-selectins and β1, β3, and β4 integrins by immunohistochemistry in skin lesions of 21 patients with BP, compared with 10 healthy subjects. Expression of L and E selectins and β1, β3 integrins was detected mainly in basal keratinocytes and in inflammatory infiltrates in the dermis, expression of β4 integrin was irregular and was detected mainly in dermal part of the blister, while in the control group only weak and single expression of the examined molecules was detected in basal keratinocytes and endothelium cells. The obtained results reveal the important role of selected selectins and integrins in development of skin lesions in BP.