Clinical Study

MCP-1 A/G Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in Slovak Patients with Systemic Sclerosis

Table 2

Genotype, allele, and phenotype (carriage rates) frequencies of the MCP-1 −2518 SNP in Slovak patients with systemic sclerosis and healthy controls compared with the data from German population according to the study by Karrer et al. [13].


Slovak patients ( )63.0 (29)28.3 (13)8.7 (4)77.2 (71)22.8+ (21)91.3 (42)37.0# (17)
Slovak controls ( )57.5 (258)36.7 (165)5.8 (26)75.8 (681)24.2 (217)94.2 (423)42.5 (191)

German patients ( )44.4 (8)27.8 (5)27.8§ (5)58.3 (21)41.7 (15)72.2 (13)55.6 (10)
German controls ( )51.1 (71)42.4 (59)6.5 (9)72.3 (201)27.7 (77)93.5 (130)48.9 (68)

Data are given as proportions (%) of particular genotype/allele/phenotype with their absolute number in parentheses. P values for comparison of allele, genotype, and phenotype frequencies between the Slovak SSc patients and controls: . P value for comparison of GG genotype frequencies between the German SSc patients and controls [13]: . P value for comparison of G allele frequencies between the Slovak and German control subjects [13]: .