Research Article

The NF- 𝜅 B Inhibitor Curcumin Blocks Sepsis-Induced Muscle Proteolysis

Table 1

The effects of curcumin on protein breakdown by different proteolytic pathways in incubated EDL muscles from septic rats. EDL muscles from septic rats were incubated in the absence or presence of specific proteolytic inhibitors. The inhibition of protein degradation caused by an inhibitor was calculated as the portion of protein degradation regulated by that specific proteolytic pathway. All differences caused by the proteolytic inhibitors as well as all differences induced by curcumin were statistically significant 𝜇 by ANOVA. Results are means ±SEM with 𝜇 in each group.

Inhibitor Protein degradation (nmol tyr/g ww 𝜇  h)Inhibition by curcumin
No curcuminCurcumin

No addition 𝜇 𝜇
-lactone (100 M) 𝜇 7 × 8
Proteasomal degradation6636−45%

No addition × 3 𝜅
Calpeptin (100 M) 𝛼 × 3
Calpain-dependent degradation7537−51%

No addition 𝜅 𝜅
Cathepsin L Inhibitor IV (100 M) 𝜅 𝜅
Lysosomal degradation11465−43%