Clinical Study

Association of MCP-1 -2518 A/G Single Nucleotide Polymorphism with the Serum Level of CRP in Slovak Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease, Angina Pectoris, and Hypertension

Table 1

Serum levels of hsCRP in patients with IHD, MI, AP, and hypertension and in control group of healthy subjects. Legend: IHD: ischemic heart disease; MI: myocardial infarction; AP: angina pectoris; HT: hypertension.

Estimated groupsNumber of subjects hsCRP (ng.m ) SDSignificance (Mann-Whitney) ( )

Controls without HT 62
IHD 299 .199
MI 102 .228
AP 159 .043
HT (in IHD patients)229 .214
Angina pectoris versus IHD+AP159/140 .026