Clinical Study

Association of Plasma Circulatory Markers, Chlamydia pneumoniae, and High Sensitive C-Reactive Protein in Coronary Artery Disease Patients of India

Table 3

Evaluation of plasma circulatory markers in Chlamydia pneumoniae IgA positive coronary artery disease patients and controls.

Plasma circulatory markersCAD patientsP-valueControlsP-value
IgA (+ve) ( ) IgA (−ve) ( ) IgA (+ve) ( ) IgA (−ve) ( )
mean ± SDmean ± SDmean ± SDmean ± SD

IL-4 (pg/mL) .007* <.001*
IL-8 (pg/mL) .015* .444
IL-10 (pg/mL) <.001* .879
IL-13 (pg/mL) .918 .773
IFN- (pg/mL) <.001* .006*
ICAM-1 (ng/mL) .048* .528
VCAM-1 (ng/mL) .454 .564

CAD: coronary artery disease;*: significant; SD: standard deviation; IL: interleukin; ng: nanogram; pg: pikogram; mL: mililiter; IFN: interferon; ICAM: Intercellular adhesion molecule; VCAM: vascular adhesion molecule; IgA: immunoglobulin A; +ve: positive; −ve: negative.