Research Article

Possible Implication of Local Immune Response in Darier's Disease: An Immunohistochemical Characterization of Lesional Inflammatory Infiltrate

Table 1

Quantitative data results.
(a) Immunohistochemically-characterized inflammatory infiltrate in Darier’s disease (DD), pemphigus vulgaris (PV), and lichen ruber planus (LRP). Mean percentages (%) +SD and range of values in brackets are reported. P significance is reported at the bottom.

% ±SD (range)% ±SD (range)% ±SD (range)

CD20+11.1±4.4  (120)12.6±3  (820)13.2±3.8  (525)
CD390  (8095)90  (8595)85  (8095)
CD4+70±6.2  (5080)47.8±8.6  (3060)49.7±5.8  (3560)
CD8+20±5.4  (1030)40.6±8.9  (2555)40±5.7  (3050)
Granzyme B+3.3±2.7  (0.40.8)16±4.8  (1030)18.3±4.7  (1030)
CD25+FOXP3+ Tregs26±8.5  (840)11.5±4.7  (120)12.7±4.7  (835)
CD68+CD123+ pDC0.6±0.3  (0.21)3.1±1.1  (0.95)9.1±1.7  (613)

(b) Mean number (N) ± SD and range of values in brackets of epidermal (e) and dermal (d) CD1a+ LCs/1 HPF, in DD, PV, LRP, and in the normal skin (NSk). P significance is reported at the bottom.

N  ±  SD  (range)N  ±  SD  (range)N  ±  SD  (range)N  ±  SD  (range)

eCD1a+ LCs2.4±2  (07)5.4±1.7  (310)20.9±3  (1528)9.9±2.1  (714)
dCD1a+ LCs3.4±1.1  (27)4.9±1.6  (27)18.5±5.5  (1026)5.7±1.4  (48)

P not significant for: CD3 and CD20, among DD, PV, and LRP groups; and for CD4+, CD25+FOXP3+ Tregs, and CD8+ in PV versus LRP.
For all the other comparisons, P<.05.
LCs: Langerhans cells, Tregs: regulatory T cells, and pDCs: plasmacytoid dendritic cells.