Research Article

The Effect of Chronic Candesartan Therapy on the Metabolic Profile and Renal Tissue Cytokine Levels in the Obese Zucker Rat

Table 1

General physiology.

TreatmentWeight gain (g/14 weeks)24-hour water intake (ml/d)24-hour urine volume (ml/d)24-hour urine volume (ml/g kidney weight/d)Serum triglycerides (mg/ml)

Lean Control124 ± 561 ± 348 ± 1116 ± 41.44 ± 0.56
Lean CAN119 ± 155 ± 142 ± 2*104 ± 61.08 ± 0.07
Obese Control232 ± 14*73 ± 3*51 ± 275 ± 3*5.74 ± 0.95*
Obese CAN191 ± 20*107 ± 17*#69 ± 7*#107 ± 14#2.66 ± 0.41#

FactorsResults of 2-way ANOVA for above parameters (P-values)

Body Type<.001<.001<.001.028<.001

mean ± sem,  n=7 or 8/group; *indicates a significant difference from lean control; #indicates a significant difference between obese control and obese CAN groups, by unpaired t-test. In bold-  P-values<.05 by 2-way ANOVA (significant).