Research Article

IL-17 and IL-11 GCF Levels in Aggressive and Chronic Periodontitis Patients: Relation to PCR Bacterial Detection

Table 5

The occurrence of different periodontopathic bacteria in the dental plaque of GCP and GAgP groups. Data represent the frequency and percentage of the individuals with given amount of periodontal pathogens in probes of dental plaque.

GCP ( )GAgP ( )P value

A.  actinomycetemcomitans (>106)8 (32)11 (44)<0.001*
T.  forsythia (>106)19 (76)18 (72)>0.05
T.  denticola (>106)18 (72)13 (52)<0.001*
P.  gingivalis (>106)21 (84)11 (44)<0.001*
P.  intermedia (>106)13 (52)9 (36)<0.001*