Clinical Study

Value of C-Reactive Protein in Predicting Left Ventricular Remodelling in Patients with a First ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population.

VariableOverall study population ( 𝑛 = 1 9 8 )Patients with LVR ( 𝑛 = 5 5 )Patients without LVR ( 𝑛 = 1 4 3 ) 𝑃 for comparison between groups with and without LVR

Age (years)56.0 (50.0–64.0)54.0 (49.0–63.0)57.0 (51.0–64.0) NS
Gender (male/female) 𝑛 (%)153/45 (77.3/22.7)46/9 (83.6/16.4)107/36 (74.8/25.2)NS
Anterior location of STEMI 𝑛 (%)89 (43.6)30 (54.6)58 (40.6)NS
Time from onset of pain to balloon inflation (minutes)201.5 (141.0–295.0)207.0 (135.0–308.0)200.0 (145.0–295.0)NS

Risk factors for coronary artery disease

Body mass index (kg/m2)26.8 (24.2–29.1)27.5 (24.8–30.4)26.2 (24.1–28.8)NS
Hypertension 𝑛 (%)82 (41.4)27 (49.1)55 (38.5)NS
Diabetes mellitus 𝑛 (%)40 (20.2)13 (23.6)27 (18.9)NS
Current or ex-smoker 𝑛 (%)131 (66.2)34 (61.8)97 (67.8)NS

Medical treatment at hospital discharge

Long-acting metoprolol 𝑛 (%) 196 (99.0)55 (100.0) 141 (98.6)NS
Perindopril 𝑛 (%)194 (98.0)53 (96.4)141 (98.6)NS
Simvastatin 𝑛 (%)197 (99.5)55 (100.0)142 (99.3)NS
Spironolactone 𝑛 (%)12 (6.1)5 (9.1)7 (4.9)NS
Nonpotassium-sparing diuretics 𝑛 (%)11 (5.6)4 (7.3)7 (4.9)NS

LVR: left ventricular remodelling; STEMI: ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.