Research Article

Attenuation of Myocardial Injury by HMGB1 Blockade during Ischemia/Reperfusion Is Toll-Like Receptor 2-Dependent

Table 1

Patient demographics.


Male NS
Age69.5 (48–80)66.0 (53–79)NS
BMI30.5 (24.4–33.9)27.0 (23.5–32.9)NS
Duration of surgery (min)249.5 (180.0–320.0)225.0 (170.0–270.0)NS
Cardiopulmonary bypass time (min)160.5 (94.0–233.0)123.0 (110.0–163.0)NS
Aortic cross-clamp time (min)58.0 (30.0–82.0)51.0 (42.0–58.0)NS
CK-MB (%CKtotal)7.3 (2.2–23.0)13.9 (3.8–22.8)NS

Total numbers, median (min–max), Fisher’s test, Mann-Whitney test, BMI: body mass index, CK: creatine kinase, NS: not significant.