Research Article

Time Course of Muscle Damage and Inflammatory Responses to Resistance Training with Eccentric Overload in Trained Individuals

Table 1

Significant changes in CK and CRP and the specific subjects presenting alterations. RI: reference interval for physically active subjects [23]; : difference between two consecutive analyses.

AnalyteMomentSubjectMeasured values: latter − former ( )% change

RCV95% = 119.3%
RI < 1309 U/L
P23 (2320)+1719
P24 (1312)+1250
P25 +1281
P27 +312
P131 +391
P138 +139

RCV95% = 206%
RI < 19.9 mg/L
P21 +1100
P23 +243
P25 +3800
P26 +2500
P27 +1400
P28 +2400
P44 +567
P92 +3200
P111 +300
P113 +3400
P117 +3900
P138 +1500