Research Article

Time Course of Muscle Damage and Inflammatory Responses to Resistance Training with Eccentric Overload in Trained Individuals

Table 2

Significant changes in NEUTR, WBC, LYNF, and PLT and the specific subjects presenting alterations. RI: reference interval for physically active subjects [23]; : difference between two consecutive analysis.

AnalyteMomentSubjectMeasured values: latter − former ( )% change

RCV95% = 65.3%
RI = 1.8–6.7 (109 cel/L)
P27 +90
P47 −71
P136 +60

RCV95% = 43.9%
RI = 4.5–10.1 (109 cel/L)
P27 +53
P47 −57
P77 +71
P97 +49

RCV95% = 40.5%
RI = 1.2–3.3 (109 cel/L)
P77 +344
P97 +57
P137 −44

RCV95% = 21.5%
RI = 140–337 (109 cel/L)
P47 −25