Research Article

Characterization of HIV-1 Infection and Innate Sensing in Different Types of Primary Human Monocyte-Derived Macrophages

Figure 5

Induction of ISGs by HIV-1 in human MDMs. MDMs were produced during a 7-day period through two differentiation protocols (RPMI M-CSF and Mac-SFM GM-CSF). MDMs were treated with IFN-α (100 U/mL), Sendai virus (SeV) (0.5 MOI), HIV-1 pWT/BaL (5000 × TCID50), or left untreated for 6 hours before total RNA was harvested and analysed for viperin (a) and (c) and ISG56 (b) and (d) expression by PCR. Data are shown from two donors. Data are normalized to GAPDH and shown as fold induction relative to untreated.