Clinical Study

Influence of Age, Past Smoking, and Disease Severity on TLR2, Neutrophilic Inflammation, and MMP-9 Levels in COPD

Table 3

Clinical and inflammatory outcomes according to the severity of airflow obstruction in patients with COPD. Data are median (q1, q3) unless indicated.

ā€‰Moderate COPDSevere COPD

Age, mean (SD)70.4 (7.3)69.9 (7.9)0.844
Sex, male/female16/289/110.555
Smoker, never/ex12/223/170.096
Pack years32.3 (17, 46.6)37.3 (19.5, 53.8)0.444
FEV1% predicted65.3 (57.9, 69.8)43.8 (38.2, 46.8)<0.001
ICS dose2000 (1000, 2000)2000 (2000, 2000)0.183
TLR4 mRNA0.15 (0.12, 0.18), 0.16 (0.11, 0.22), 0.648