Clinical Study

Influence of Age, Past Smoking, and Disease Severity on TLR2, Neutrophilic Inflammation, and MMP-9 Levels in COPD

Table 4

Multivariate linear regression outcomes to determine predictors of sputum neutrophil proportion.

VariableCoefficientSE 95% confidence interval

Age, years0.0680.2320.771−0.400 to 0.537
Sex (male/female)8.9686.5960.181−4.342 to 22.278
Smoker (ex/never)2.9886.9940.671−11.123 to 17.103
FEV1/FVC, %−0.1300.2390.589−0.613 to 0.353
Soluble TLR2 ng/mL−0.0480.1370.729−0.324 to 0.228
Log TLR2 gene expression16.2444.7930.0026.570 to 25.917
Log TLR4 gene expression12.4059.1040.180−5.968 to 30.778
Log MMP-9 protein34.52310.2530.00213.831 to 55.215
Log NE2.1225.5660.705−9.110 to 13.354
Log CXCL8−3.9698.2920.635−20.703 to 12.765
Dose-inhaled corticosteroids, μg daily−0.0030.0030.369−0.009 to 0.004
Constant−69.66746.5030.142−163.514 to 24.181