Research Article

NF- B Inhibition after Cecal Ligation and Puncture Reduces Sepsis-Associated Lung Injury without Altering Bacterial Host Defense

Figure 2

BMS-345541 treatment did not affect peripheral WBC counts in mice subjected to CLP. (a) Peripheral WBCs were counted in control mice treated with sham laparotomy (sham), mice that underwent CLP followed by vehicle (CLP), and mice treated with CLP followed by BMS-345541 (CLP+BMS) at 24 hours after surgery. per group; ANOVA test was used for comparison among multiple groups. Tukey post hoc tests were undertaken after ANOVA. There were significant differences for sham versus CLP or CLP+BMS (* for CLP and CLP+BMS versus sham), while there was no significant difference between CLP and CLP+BMS mice. (b) Differential WBC counts in mice with sham surgery, mice treated with CLP (+vehicle), and mice treated with CLP+BMS at 24 hours after CLP. per group; ANOVA test ( ) was used for comparison among multiple groups. Tukey post hoc tests were undertaken after ANOVA. There were significant differences for sham versus CLP or CLP+BMS mice (** for CLP and CLP+BMS versus sham), while there was no significant difference between CLP and CLP+BMS mice. Results are presented as mean ± SE.