Clinical Study

Evaluation of Adipokines: Apelin, Visfatin, and Resistin in Children with Atopic Dermatitis

Table 3

The adipokine serum levels/BMI ratio in AD children and healthy controls.

Adipokine serum levels/BMIChildren with AD
( ; M/F: 10/17)
Healthy children
( ; M/F: 19/27)

Apelin pg/mL/BMI (kg/m2)
 All subjects *
 Girls *
Visfatin ng/mL BMI/(kg/m2)
 All subjects *
 Boys *
 Girls *
Resistin ng/mL/BMI (kg/m2)
 All subjects

Data as shown as mean ± standard error. P values from Mann-Whitney’s -test.*AD versus control .