Clinical Study

Inflammatory Lung Disease in Rett Syndrome

Table 6

Frequency/severity of apneas, recorded during either the wakefulness or sleep, identifies Rett patients with increased intraerythrocyte non-protein-bound iron (IE-NPBI) levels: receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves analyses.

VariableAUC ± SE95% C.I. -valueCriterionSens.%Spec.%+LR−LR+PV−PV

Total apneas/h 0.563–0.7990.0044>7.453.882.051.50.8956.262.7
Mild apneas/h 0.504–0.7510.0605>130.789.51.540.5151.474.1
Moderate apneas/h 0.563–0.7780.0163>0.880.755.31.810.3555.380.8
Severe apneas/h 0.541–0.7820.0142>25081.62.710.616570.5

AUC: area under the curve; SE: standard error; Sens.: sensitivity; Spec: specificity; +LR: positive likelihood ratio; −LR: negative likelihood ratio; +PV: positive predictive value; −PV: negative predictive value. Bold characters indicate statistically significant items.