Research Article

Regulation of Chemokine CCL5 Synthesis in Human Peritoneal Fibroblasts: A Key Role of IFN-γ

Figure 1

Effect of recombinant IL-1β and TNF-α on CCL5 expression and release by HPFB. Cells were exposed to either IL-1β or TNF-α. The data were derived from experiments with cells isolated from separate donors. (a) Kinetics of IL-1β-induced (1000 pg/mL) or TNF-α-induced (1000 pg/mL) CCL5 secretion ( ); (b) dose effect of IL-1β or TNF-α. Cells were stimulated for 48 hours ( ); (c) effect of actinomycin D on CCL5 release by HPFB. Cells were pretreated for 1 hour with actinomycin D and then exposed to either IL-1β or TNF-α (both at 1000 pg/mL) for 24 hours ( ); (d) time effect of IL-1β and TNF-α on CCL5 mRNA expression. HPFB were treated with cytokines at 1000 pg/mL for the times indicated. CCL5 mRNA expression was analysed by semiquantitative RT-PCR. Results of a representative experiment of three performed.