Research Article

Statin Treatment Is Associated with Reduction in Serum Levels of Receptor Activator of NF-κB Ligand and Neutrophil Activation in Patients with Severe Carotid Stenosis

Table 6

Spearman rank correlation between serum RANKL/OPG ratio and systemic and intraplaque parameters (upstream or downstream regions) of vulnerability.

Spearman’s correlation coefficient ( ) -value

Serum RANKL/OPG ratio
 CRP, mg/L0.35490.0311
 MPO, ng/mL0.60360.0001
 Neutrophil elastase, ng/mL0.52230.0009
 MMP-8, ng/mL0.04360.7977
 MMP-9, ng/mL0.31060.0614
 Pro-MMP-9 activity, ng/mL0.32480.0498
Intraplaque upstream
 versus lipids−0.34560.0489
 versus total collagen0.00770.9661
 versus collagen I0.08790.6267
 versus collagen III0.09060.6162
 versus SMCs−0.08320.6452
 versus macrophages−0.05520.7605
 versus neutrophils0.11800.5132
 versus MMP-9−0.26470.1366
Intraplaque downstream
 versus lipids−0.09460.5947
 versus total collagen−0.13830.4355
 versus collagen I−0.16360.3551
 versus collagen III−0.08050.6508
 versus SMCs−0.01180.9473
 versus macrophages0.24610.1605
 versus neutrophils0.37560.0285
 versus MMP-90.35100.0418