Clinical Study

Impact of STAT/SOCS mRNA Expression Levels after Major Injury

Figure 4

Posttraumatic SOCS 3 mRNA expression profiles after major trauma in all patients (a), depending on injury severity (NISS, (b)) and depending on outcome (survival > 90 days, (c)), #   U test. SOCS 3 mRNA expressions showed a high level on admission, followed by a decrease within the first 24 h after trauma in all polytraumatized patients. After the first day, mRNA expression levels increased again until 72 h after injury. Regarding SOCS 3 mRNA expression profiles depending on injury severity, there were no statistically significant differences between groups 1 and 2. Nonsurvivors (group B, ) showed a significantly higher SOCS 3 mRNA expression level than survivors 6 h after the traumatic event.