Research Article

IL-27 Activates Human Trophoblasts to Express IP-10 and IL-6: Implications in the Immunopathophysiology of Preeclampsia

Table 1

Clinical characteristics of the third trimester study between the normal pregnant women and preeclampsia women.

CharacteristicNormal pregnant ( )Preeclamptic ( )

Age (years)
Nulliparity %8072.1
BMIa, kg/m2
Gestation age (weeks)
Booking systolic BP (mmHg)
Booking diastolic BP (mmHg)
Max. systolic BP (mmHg)
Max. diastolic BP (mmHg)
24-hour proteinuria (g)
Birth weight (g)
Placental weight (g)

Data are presented as mean ± SD unless otherwise indicated.
BMI: body mass index.
aBMI: body weight (kg)/body height (m2).