Review Article

Advanced Glycation End Products Play Adverse Proinflammatory Activities in Osteoporosis

Figure 1

The vicious circle linking inflammation and aging results in the accumulation of AGEs within the osteoporotic bone. Oxidative stress, high glucose, aging processes, and low bone turnover conditions contribute to an increased formation and accumulation of AGEs in bone, where they trigger a low level of chronic inflammation defined as “Inflammaging.” Together with an increase of certain proinflammatory cytokines, AGEs induce both the activation of osteoclastogenesis and osteoblast dysfunction; these processes lead to an accelerated development of osteoporosis. The use of bisphosphonates might have a dual effect: it inhibits osteoclastogenesis by improving the bone resorption, but it slows the bone turnover, increasing the accumulation of AGEs and potential long term adverse effects.