Research Article

Downregulation of mPGES-1 Expression via EGR1 Plays an Important Role in Inhibition of Caffeine on PGE2 Synthesis of HBx(+) Hepatocytes

Figure 4

Inhibition of caffeine on the expression of mPGES-1 through EGR1 in HBx positive hepatocytes. (a) Representative immunoblots from three independent studies for EGR1 in HL7702 and HL7702-HBx cells treated with 800 μM caffeine or not for 7 days. The densitometry data were normalized to β-actin. (), statistically significant difference compared to HL7702 cells. (b) Representative immunoblots from three independent studies for EGR1 in HepG2 and HepG2-HBx cells treated with 800 μM caffeine or not for 7 days. The densitometry data were normalized to β-actin. (), statistically significant difference compared to HepG2 cells.