Research Article

Nutritional Recovery with a Soybean Diet after Weaning Reduces Lipogenesis but Induces Inflammation in the Liver in Adult Rats Exposed to Protein Restriction during Intrauterine Life and Lactation

Figure 3

Immunoblot analysis of malic enzyme (a) and citrate lyase (b), activity of malic enzyme (c), and citrate lyase (d) in nuclear extracts from livers of rats fed with casein (CC and LC), soybean flour (CS and LS), or low-protein (LL) diets after weaning. The values are expressed as the mean ± SD ( = 4–7 rats). #Mean values were significantly different from the casein diet (two-way ANOVA). Means with different superscript minuscule letters are significantly different by one-way ANOVA followed by a least significant difference (LSD) test ().