Research Article

Efficacy of Anakinra for Various Types of Crystal-Induced Arthritis in Complex Hospitalized Patients: A Case Series and Review of the Literature

Figure 1

Iconographic features of crowned dens syndrome and crystal-induced peripheral arthritis of patient 1 (a), patient 2 (b), and patient 3 (c(A) and c(B)). (a) Cervical CT-scan centered on the odontoid process: fine linear arciform calcification of the retroodontoid ligament suggesting pseudogout involvement. (b) Cervical CT-scan centered on odontoid process: cloudlike calcification of the retroodontoid ligament suggesting hydroxyapatite disease deposition involvement. (c(A)) Cervical CT-scan centered on odontoid process: thick arciform calcification of the retrodens ligament. (c(B)) Right shoulder MRI (T2 and T1): supraspinatus tendinopathy with partial rupture aspect. Tenosynovitis of the long biceps. Tendinopathy of the infraspinatus and subscapularis tendons.