Research Article

T Cell Response in Patients with Implanted Biological and Mechanical Prosthetic Heart Valves

Table 4

Results of discriminate analysis assessing parameters of T cell subsets in patients with mechanical and biological heart valve prostheses as well as healthy volunteers.

ParameterWilks’ lambda Partial lambda-remove (2,71) value

TEMRA Tcyt relative0.4290270.74360912.240120.000027
CD3+ relative0.4247890.75102911.768490.000039
Naive Th relative0.3748140.8511656.207550.003277
EM Tcyt relative0.3733480.8545076.044430.003766
CD3+CD8+ relative0.3802160.8390726.808640.001972
Naive Tcyt abs.0.3731510.8549606.022420.003838
TEMRA Th relative0.3461660.9216053.019740.055125

Comments: Step 7, of variants in the model 7; Wilks’ lambda = 0.3190287; (14.142) = 7.814625, .