Review Article

CD4+ T Cell Fate in Glomerulonephritis: A Tale of Th1, Th17, and Novel Treg Subtypes

Figure 2

(a) Naive T helper cells can acquire a Th1 phenotype by activating the transcription factors Stat1 and Stat4 together with T-bet. A Th17 phenotype requires activation of Stat3 in combination with RORγt. (b) In analogy to T helper cell fate, a naive Foxp3+ Treg can activate T-bet under inflammatory conditions. This process does not result in Treg/Th1 transdifferentiation but rather induces a Treg1 phenotype, which optimizes Treg properties for control of Th1 responses. Likewise coactivation of Stat3 with Foxp3 generates Treg17 cells, which are tailor made to suppress Th17 immunity.