Research Article

Circulating Calreticulin Is Increased in Myelofibrosis: Correlation with Interleukin-6 Plasma Levels, Bone Marrow Fibrosis, and Splenomegaly

Figure 1

Analysis of the circulating levels of CRT, IL-6, and TNF-α proteins. The CRT plasma levels of total MF (a) or MF subdivided into JAK2V617F-mutated (), CALR-mutated (), MPL-mutated (), and triple-negative-mutated () groups (b) were measured by ELISA. Compared with age-matched controls (HD; ), CRT plasma levels were significantly increased in MF patients (). Of note, there was no significant difference between the mutated groups. Irrespective of mutational status, TNF-α (c) and IL-6 (d) blood plasma levels were also increased in MF (). For all graphs, one symbol represents one individual, and the height of the bar represents the median value. ; .