Research Article

Disturbed Expression of EphB4, but Not EphrinB2, Inhibited Bone Regeneration in an In Vivo Inflammatory Microenvironment

Figure 9

TRACP staining. (a–i) At 7 days (a–c), 14 days (d–f), and 21 days (g–i) after surgery, TRACP staining was performed and the TRACP-positive cells with three or more nuclei were identified as mature osteoclasts in the pLenti6.3-ctrl group (a, d, g), the pLenti6.3-efnb2siRNA group (b, e, h), and the pLenti6.3-ephb4siRNA group (c, f, i). (j) The number of TRACP+ cells with three or more nuclei was counted for quantitative analysis. Arrow, TRACP+ cells with three or more nuclei; scale bars, 100 μm; < 0.05, < 0.001 versus pLenti6.3-ctrl group.