Research Article

Kidney Expression of Toll Like Receptors in Lupus Nephritis: Quantification and Clinicopathological Correlations

Figure 1

Digital images of immunohistochemistry of kidney biopsy representing the application of Spectrum Analysis algorithm package and Aperio’s IHC Deconvolution Algorithm software for the quantification of cells expressing TLRs. Immunohistochemistry for TLR7. Glomerular and tubular areas (20x magnification) of kidney sections from a control (a) and a class IV lupus nephritis patient (c) were selected for the analysis with Spectrum Analysis algorithm package and Aperio’s IHC Deconvolution Algorithm (identified by green lines). There is focal background tubular staining. Images (b) and (d) show the same sections after the application of Aperio’s IHC Algorithm. Pseudocolors represent staining intensity: blue, no staining; yellow, low intensity/background; orange, medium intensity; and red, high intensity.