Research Article

Intraplaque Expression of C-Reactive Protein Predicts Cardiovascular Events in Patients with Severe Atherosclerotic Carotid Artery Stenosis

Table 3

Distribution of inflammatory biomarkers within upstream and downstream portions of carotid plaques.

UpstreamDownstream value

Neutrophil, cells/mm22.36 (0.93–5.93)4.33 (1.20–10.68)0.002
Total collagen, %29.29 (18.28–38.57)16.52 (8.39–22.11)<0.001
Collagen I, %10.29 (5.37–15.20)5.30 (2.39–8.23)<0.001
Collagen III, %12.14 (8.20–18.23)5.28 (2.93–8.98)<0.001
CRP, %1.54 (0.61–2.78)1.04 (0.44–2.18)0.070
Smooth muscle cells, %4.53 (3.01–9.00)2.78 (1.53–4.27)<0.001
Total macrophages (CD68+), %5.80 (2.72–10.23)6.47 (2.24–13.94)0.205
M1 subset (CD86+), %1.33 (0.49–3.06)3.21 (1.24–7.11)<0.001
M1 subset (HLA-DR+), %10.47 (6.07–18.30)9.50 (5.81–14.30)0.124
M2 subset (CD163+), %1.66 (0.56–3.83)1.37 (0.22–3.30)0.049

Data are expressed as median (interquartile range [IQR]).
CRP: c-reactive protein.
CD: cluster of differentiation.
M: macrophage.
HLA-DR: human leukocyte antigen-antigen D related.