Research Article

Methylprednisolone Administration Following Spinal Cord Injury Reduces Aquaporin 4 Expression and Exacerbates Edema

Figure 4

Systemic administration of MP reduces the increased expression of AQP4 in the spinal glia limitans after SCI. (a) Representative micrographs of the white matter glia limitans in the medial zone—indicated in (b)—of spinal cord sections immunostained for AQP4 (red) and GFAP (green) ( per group). Merged signal of AQP4 expressed in astrocytes is depicted in yellow. Bar equals to 20 μm. (b) Quantification of AQP4 immunofluorescent signal in 3 arbitrarily defined regions of the white matter as indicated in the top panel diagram. Values are the mean ± SEM of 4 different photos per region per rat. ; ; .