Research Article

The Lymphotoxin β Receptor Is Essential for Upregulation of IFN-Induced Guanylate-Binding Proteins and Survival after Toxoplasma gondii Infection

Figure 3

Analysis of parasite burden in the brain of WT and LTβR−/− animals. Animals were infected i.p. with 40 cysts of T. gondii (ME49), sacrificed on the days indicated, and the brains were prepared. One hemisphere was used for isolation of cysts, which were isolated by mincing the tissue with a scalpel and then passing it through consecutively higher gauge cannulas, followed by two centrifugation steps to first remove pelleted cells and tissue debris and then pellet the cysts. One half of the second hemisphere was used to generate HE stains from paraffin sections after formalin fixing of tissue. (a) Cysts per brain were calculated by multiplying cyst number counted in one hemisphere by two ( in all cases, except day 30 and day 36 from LTβR−/− animals, where only 2 animals were analyzed). (b) Cysts (arrows) in HE-stained brain sections 60 days after i.p. infection with T. gondii (ME49) are shown. One representative section of brain tissue from one of three animals is shown. Original magnifications as indicated. , .