Research Article

Urinary Levels of IL-1β and GDNF in Preterm Neonates as Potential Biomarkers of Motor Development: A Prospective Study

Table 1

Mother and infant characteristics.

VariablesSubjects ()

Preeclampsia32 (80.0)
Other causes8 (20.0)
Predelivery medication
 Magnesium sulfate + glucocorticoid20 (50.0)
 Glucocorticoid17 (42.5)
 None3 (7.5)
Gestational age (weeks)#30 ± 1
Sex—n (%)
 Female18 (45.0)
 Male22 (55.0)
Birth weight (grams)#1.477 ± 428
Apgar scores#
 1-minute Apgar score7 ± 1
 5-minute Apgar score9 ± 1
Respiratory distress24 (60.0)
Exposed to antenatal glucocorticoids37 (92.5)

#Values expressed as mean and standard deviation for continuous variables. Number of individuals and percentages for categorical variables.