Research Article

Endothelial Microvesicles and Soluble Markers of Endothelial Injury in Critically Ill Newborns

Figure 1

Representative dot plots showing gating strategy for the analysis of antigen-specific microvesicles: (a) ECMO patient; (b) control. Based on the size analysis of the standard ApogeeMix beads, the gate for microvesicles (MV < 1000 nm) was created (left column). From the gate MV < 1000 nm, the phosphatidyl serine-positive microvesicles were identified based on the labeling with annexin-V and the gate of MV < 1000 nm/annexin-V+ was created (middle column). The annexin-V-positive microvesicles were then analyzed for the positivity of individual cell-specific markers PECAM/CD31, MadCAM1, and VEGFR2/CD309 (right column).
(a) ECMO
(b) Control