Research Article

A New Model Based on 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 for Predicting Active Crohn’s Disease in Chinese Patients

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics.

Group with 25(OH)D3 ≤ 20 ng/ml Group with 25(OH)D3 > 20 ng/ml 

Gender, (%)0.005
 Male197 (68.9%)52 (86.7%)
 Female89 (31.1%)8 (13.3%)
Median age, years (IQR)26 (20–35)27 (21–44)0.212
Median disease duration, years (IQR)2.0 (0.5–4.4)1.5 (0.5–5.2)0.741
Disease location, (%)0.790
 L164 (22.4%)10 (16.7%)
 L234 (11.9%)7 (11.7%)
 L3169 (59.1%)39 (65.0%)
 L419 (6.4%)4 (6.7%)
Disease behavior, (%)0.308
 B1184 (64.3%)45 (75.0%)
 B269 (24.1%)9 (15.0%)
 B340 (14.0%)8 (13.3%)
Perianal lesions, (%)93 (32.5%)20 (33.3%)0.902
Extraintestinal manifestations, (%)42 (14.7%)11 (18.3%)0.476
Previous bowel surgery, (%)45 (15.7%)15 (25.0%)0.085
Previous resection of terminal ileum, (%)38 (13.3%)12 (20.0%)0.179
Previous medications, (%)
 5-Aminosalicylic acid120 (42.0%)25 (41.7%)0.967
 Corticosteroids42 (14.7%)8 (13.3%)0.787
Azathioprine/6-mercaptopurine22 (7.7%)7 (11.7%)0.312
 Methotrexate1 (0.3%)0 (0.0%)0.646
 Thalidomide8 (2.8%)2 (3.3%)0.822
 Infliximab6 (2.1%)2 (3.3%)0.563
Sun exposure0.886
 Low (from October to March)124 (43.4%)27 (45.0%)
 High (from April to September)162 (56.6%)33 (55.0%)

According to the Montreal classification: L1, terminal ileum; L2, colon; L3, ileocolon; L4, UPG; B1, nonstricturing nonpenetrating; B2, stricturing, B3, penetrating.