Research Article

The Protective Effects of Levo-Tetrahydropalmatine on ConA-Induced Liver Injury Are via TRAF6/JNK Signaling

Figure 8

Mechanism of the L-THP action. In ConA-induced autoimmune hepatitis, L-THP reduces autophagy by inhibiting the JNK/p-JNK pathway. After ConA injection, TNF-α combined with TNFR and TRAF6, which was expressed on the surface of hepatocytes. This led to the activation of JNK, which phosphorylated Bcl-2, then promoting the release of caspase 9 and caspase 3, causing apoptosis. Inactive Bcl-2 dissociated from Beclin-1, enhancing the induction of autophagy. Taking these all together, L-THP successfully inhibited the release of TNF-α and ameliorated hepatocyte apoptosis and autophagy by reducing the phosphorylation of JNK.