Clinical Study

Cytokine Levels and Human Herpesviruses in Saliva from Clinical Periodontal Healthy Subjects with Peri-Implantitis: A Case-Control Study

Table 1

Mean ± SD of clinical characteristics of the subjects in both groups.

Clinical variablesHealthyPeri-implantitis

Age (years)ns49.0 ± 12.252.6 ± 12.10.3778
Gender (m : f)ns8 : 133 : 18
Probing depth (mm)3.27 ± 0.995.06 ± 2.280.0050
Clinical attachment level (mm)0.15 ± 0.645.08 ± 2.03<0.0001
% sites with:
 Plaquens43.1 ± 43.731.7 ± 40.10.5058
 Gingival bleeding26.5 ± 35.353.9 ± 36.10.0227
 Bleeding on probing50.0 ± 36.480.8 ± 30.80.0089
 Suppuration0 ± 010.7 ± 0.1<0.01

Mann–Whitney and chi-square test. ns: nonsignificant. Significant.