Research Article

Selected Biomarkers Correlate with the Origin and Severity of Sepsis

Table 3

The comparison of baseline characteristics of patients with bacterial meningitis (), infective endocarditis (), and community-acquired pneumonia ().

Bacterial meningitisInfective endocarditisCommunity-acquired pneumonia

Age, years64 (69-70)59.5 (32–66)48 (33–62)0.140
Gender (male/female)7/115/66/4
APACHE II18.5 (16–21)10.5 (8–17)21.5 (23.25–13.75)0.038
SOFA6.5 (5–8)5.5 (2–7.5)7 (5–8)0.109
WBC (cells/μL)22,000 (15,000–29,500)11,250 (9400–20,550)9600 (15,825–6050)0.410
CRP (mg/L)187 (119–312)282 (243–313)288 (414–107.5)0.972

Data are expressed as medians (interquartile range). APACHE II: Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; SOFA: Sequential Organ Failure Assessment; WBC: white blood cell count; CRP: C-reactive protein.