Research Article

Expansion of a Population of Large Monocytes (Atypical Monocytes) in Peripheral Blood of Patients with Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases

Figure 3

Surface phenotype of T Mo and A Mo from AECOPD patients at admission () and at remission () as well as from the control group (). (a) Representative shows altered expression of surface markers of CD14/CD16/HLA-DR/ICAM-1/CCR2 in T Mo of healthy donors (H T Mo), from AECOPD patients at admission (A T Mo) and remission (R T Mo), as well as in A Mo of AECOPD patients at admission (A A Mo) and remission (R A Mo). (b) Mean data of the percentage and MFI of surface marker expression of T Mo (white bar) and A Mo (black bar) from patients at admission and at remission are represented. Values are expressed as the mean ± SD, and Student’s t-test and the nonparametric Newman-Keuls test were used for comparisons between groups. , , and , compared with T Mo of healthy subjects.