Review Article

Interleukin-17: Potential Target for Chronic Wounds

Table 1

IL-17 family.

SubtypeReported biological sourcesHeterodimer receptor subunits

AMast cells, macrophages, neutrophils, ILC3, ɣδ-T, NKT, CD8+, TH17 [9]RA/RC [9]
BGastrointestinal tract, pancreas, gonadal tissue, chondrocytes, synovial membrane, neurons, lymphocytes [40, 60]RA/RB [40]
CEpithelial cells in the colon, trachea, and skin [32]RA/RE [32]
DPancreas, adipose, skeletal muscle, brain, heart, lung [61]Unidentified
EMast cells, macrophages, eosinophils, basophils, respiratory epithelium, and mucosa [9]RA/RB [9]
FMast cells, macrophages, neutrophils, ILC3, ɣδ-T, NKT, CD8+, TH17 [9]RA/RC [9]