Research Article

Increased Interleukin-11 Levels Are Correlated with Cardiac Events in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure

Table 2

Comparison of patients with or without cardiac event in CHF patients.

CharacteristicsCardiac event (−)Cardiac event (+) value

Age (years)63 (55, 71)63 (57, 72)0.889
Male (, %)65 (63.7)67 (48.6)0.026
Smoking (, %)32 (31.4)30 (21.8%)0.184
BMI (kg/m2)23.5 (21.7, 25.2)23.3 (21.4, 24.8)0.278
HR (bpm)71 (63, 75)68 (63, 76)0.375
SBP (mmHg)114 (104, 125)115 (107, 126)0.251
DBP (mmHg)73 (65, 78)75 (67, 80)0.160
TC (mmol/l)4.1 (3.6, 4.6)4.1 (3.5, 4.6)0.599
TG (mmol/l)1.0 (0.8, 1.3)1.0 (0.5, 1.3)0.914
HDL-C (mmol/l)1.0 (0.7, 1.3)0.9 (0.8, 1.1)0.898
LDL-C (mmol/l)2.0 (1.5, 2.5)1.9 (1.4, 2.6)0.582
Glu (mmol/l)5.7 (4.9, 6.6)5.4 (4.9, 6.4)0.252
Albumin (g/l)39 (35, 42)38 (35, 41)0.285
CREA (μmol/l)92 (73, 120)92 (73, 124)0.965
CRP (mg/l)9.6 (4.7, 18.4)6.0 (2.6, 14.8)0.005
NT-pro BNP (pg/ml)3763 (2452, 5224)3573 (2349, 5253)0.897
LVEF (%)39 (35, 42)39 (35, 42)0.299
LVEDD (mm)54 (50, 59)56 (52, 62)0.047
NYHA functional class, II/III/IV28/34/4042/42/540.783/0.791/0.994
DCM (, %)32 (31.4%)36 (26.1%)0.545
IHD (, %)36 (35.3%)38 (27.5%)0.426
HHD (, %)22 (21.6%)40 (29.0%)0.404
Others (, %)20 (19.6%)16 (11.6%)0.302
Medications, (, %)
 ACEI/ARB76 (74.5%)86 (62.3%)0.052
β-Blockers36 (35.3%)56 (40.6%)0.423
 Diuretics61 (59.8%)86 (62.3%)0.789
 Digitalis72 (70.6%)94 (68.1%)0.887
 Spironolactone46 (45.1%)72 (52.2%)0.241
 Aspirin44 (43.1%)54 (39.1%)0.598
 Statin29 (28.4%)32 (23.2%)0.454