Research Article

Nomogram Based on Cytokines for Cardiovascular Diseases in Xinjiang Kazakhs

Table 2

Baseline characteristics of CVD and non-CVD patients in the training group.

Univariate analysisMultivariate analysis
valueβ valueHR95% CI

Sex, male n (%)53 (39.0)395 (45.5)0.157
Age (years)<0.001
MetS (%)46 (33.8)208 (23.9)0.014
INS (ng/mL)#14.22 (7.66-25.38)9.58 (5.42-20.67)0.001
Lg(hs-CRP) (pg/mL)<0.001
Lg(IL-6) (pg/mL)0.0210.2250.0091.2521.059-1.481
NEFA (mmol/L)#0.59 (0.40-1.10)0.48 (0.33-0.76)<0.001
Lg(ADP) (ng/mL)<0.001-0.350<0.0010.0750.588-0.845
SBP (mmHg)<0.001
DBP (mmHg)<0.0010.0110.0111.0111.002-1.019
Current smoker (%)61 (44.9)224 (28.1)<0.001
Alcohol drinking (%)20 (14.7)88 (10.1)0.109
Diabetes (%)8 (5.9)22 (2.5)0.033
Family history of hypertension (%)54 (39.7)237 (27.3)0.003
Dyslipidemia (%)46 (33.8)211 (24.3)0.0180.3590.0121.4851.090-2.024

Note: #Mann-Whitney test. MetS: metabolic syndrome; INS: insulin; hs-CRP: high-sensitivity C-reactive protein; IL-6: interleukin 6; NEFA: nonesterified fatty acids; ADP: adiponectin; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; BMI: body mass index.