Research Article

Correlation between Plasma Macrophage Migration Inhibitory Factor Levels and Long-Term Prognosis in Patients with Acute Myocardial Infarction Complicated with Diabetes

Figure 1

Comparison of plasma macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) levels in different populations. (a) MIF concentrations were evaluated in all controls () and ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) with () and without () diabetes. (b) In the nondiabetic STEMI group, plasma MIF levels between the stress-induced hyperglycemia group () and the group with euglycemia () were significantly different. Stratified according to sex and disease type, the graph shows the plasma MIF levels of patients with STEMI compared to those of the healthy control group, including STEMI with and without diabetes in males (c) and females (d), respectively. The plasma MIF levels of nondiabetic STEMI male patients (e) between the stress-induced hyperglycemia group and the group with euglycemia were significantly different, but there was no significant difference in those of females (f). .