Research Article

Could Increased Expression of Hsp27, an “Anti-Inflammatory” Chaperone, Contribute to the Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cell Bias towards Tolerance Induction in Breast Cancer Patients?

Figure 4

Breast cancer and Mo-DCs obtained from patients express higher levels of HSP27 than healthy cells. (a) Comparative real-time PCR Hsp27 gene expression analysis by tumors () and normal breast (pooled tissues from 5 donors) shows a significantly (1.46-5.45 fold) increased expression of Hsp27 by tumors. (b) The same analysis performed on Mo-DCs from patients and healthy donors detected an increased Hsp27 expression also by patients’ Mo-DCs. GAPDH or β-actin were used as internal controls for targeting mRNA expression in tumor and immune cells, respectively. The data were normalized to GAPDH or β-actin mRNA expression level. Individual data are plotted, and the horizontal bar represents the mean. Data were compared suing the unpaired -test; ; .