Research Article

Protection of Fecal Microbiota Transplantation in a Mouse Model of Multiple Sclerosis

Figure 1

FMT modulates GM in EAE. (a) Chart of the Shannon index values for evaluation of GM α-diversity. The Shannon index for GM was significantly increased in EAE mice () compared to normal controls (CON, ); an in-between value was found in FMT-treated immunized mice (FMT; ) without statistical significance. (b) Chart of relative abundance of gut bacterial taxa (phylum level) performed with the Mann–Whitney test, corrected by FDR between the two groups. The figure was created by used unfiltered OUT table. (c) PCoA plot (PC1/PC2) of unweighted UniFrac distances illustrating clustering separation between samples from different mouse groups. (d) Hierarchical clustering tree on OTU level (weighted UniFrac). (e) The correlation heatmap chart performed with a Spearman’s correlation of bacterial abundance with EAE scores and cumulative scores. The value is shown in different colors in the figure. The legend on the right is the color interval of different values ( and ). (f) LEfSe cladogram showing differentially abundant gut bacterial taxa. The diameter of each dot is proportional to its effect size. Each ring (from inside to outside) represents a taxonomic level from kingdom to genus, the cladogram was made on filtered data, and only taxa with greater than 0.1% relative abundance. (g) LDA scores of abundant gut bacterial taxa (LDA score threshold >2.0). k: kingdom; p: phylum; c: class; o: order; f: family; g: genus.